Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Just one of those days.....

OK... for like the past month things have been hectic around my house. With Easter looming and Girl Scoutly duties like cookie ordering/money due... I thought it would clear out after those wrapped up.

Well today pretty much officially wrapped up the Girl Scout aspect of my stress and Easter sailed by swimmingly, but it was a quick jump and then everything else just tumbled into its place. Why do I put myself under this vast amount of stuff that needs to get accomplished?

Well.... soccer for BOTH my kiddos started tonight. My daughter did amazingly well (this is her third year) and my son was up to bat at his very first soccer experience. Mind you he's BEGGED me to play for like ever and a day so he was soooo excited to FINALLY be old enough that he even slept with his brand new soccer ball last night.

Fast forward to the actual practice. Mother Nature in her wicked ways decided to lower the temp to like below freezing with the torrential winds, so little man only played for a few minutes and then came crying back to the car half frozen and saying that's it... he's never playing again.

Sigh..... that topped with a few other issues that I am taking personal that I guess I really shouldn't has put me in a lousy, no good mood this evening. grrrrr..... hoping for brighter and warmer skies tommorow.....

Monday, March 24, 2008

Look at those legs!!!

Ok... our little puppy is growing by leaps and bounds each day!!! I swear in the few short weeks that we have had him, he's grown 4 inches in height. It's amazing just how fast he's growing!!!

Here's a new pic of him outside this afternoon. He soooo wants off his leach but I know he'll take off full gallop so he's stuck on there. Poor guy!

Sunday, March 23, 2008

My ScrapJacked Jack

Here's my Jack of this weeks scrapjack. Enjoy!

Friday, March 21, 2008

So Sorry.......

I know, I know... it's been a LONG LONG while since I have posted. I have kept myself very busy but I plan on trying to post more often.

A few weeks ago we got a new puppy names Captain Jack Sparrow. He's a dear sweetheart, but going back to puppy times is alot harder than I remembered. So needless to say, my life has been busy to say the very least!

A few notes to mention in the scrapping world.... Scrap'NArt is plugging along. I cannot wait to see the final product... it is really a thrilling ride being a part of this!!!

Also, I got a position on MySketchWorld DT team as well. I am so excited to get a chance to create for them as well!!!!

I will leave you with a picture of our new addition! Enjoy!