Saturday, August 30, 2008

A Layout to Share and Finally some Answers

I know... I have been totally neglecting my blog... BAD ME. Life has been coming at me pretty fast lately so I have been a bit behind. So here's a layout to share with all of you for my DT work at The Paper Element. If you haven't had a chance to peek at their new yummy lines, head on over today at Beautiful stuff!!! This layout is from the spicy line... such pretty colors!!!

OK and I finally got some answers on my headaches. I have increased spinal pressure which is causing all of the problems. I have to wait on the results of a few more tests, but at least there is an answer.

1 comment:

🌈🌈🌈 said...

Wow...pressure on your spine? Thats freaky!

Great page of little Josh!