Friday, May 9, 2008

So Now the Waiting Begins.....

After having these horrible headaches for well over a year or two, I am finally on the path to finding a reason behind them.

After a routine eye exam, they found that I have swollen optic nerves meaning something is putting pressure on my brain... therefore causing the pain. Now it's just a matter of figuring out what is inside my brain causing the issues.

So I had bloodwork done today and will be off for an MRI Wednesday... the same day as preschool graduation for my preschool class and then for a visual field test to try and come out with an answer. I am trying to think positively right now, but its a hard pill to swallow easily right now.

So that's my life right now in a nutshell...waiting and wondering what is going on and praying for the best. I am so incredibly terrified right now, but a part of me feels so much relief that an end to this pain is hopefully in sight... no matter what the final answer is.

1 comment:

🌈🌈🌈 said...

Oh you poor thing! At least you have part of the answer, right?! argh....