Tuesday, October 14, 2008

The {Almost} Birthday Boy!!!!

So Friday is Joshie's BIG day... he turns 6!!!! He is so stinkin excited to hit 6 that he literally wakes up every morning with a case of the giggles wondering if today is the big day. :) We had some beautiful weather this weekend so I got a few shots of the birthday boy in our beloved sugar maple tree. The tree isn't quite as splendid this year as it was last year (we had a very dry summer) but the pics turned out fairly good all the same.

So Happy Birthday, Little Man!!!! :) We'll be celebrating in Halloween style on Saturday with a spooky Halloween/Birthday party in the barn with all of his closest friends and family. :)


🌈🌈🌈 said...

WhooHoo! 6 is always a fun age! Wish we could be there for the barn party, sounds like a blast!

Anonymous said...

Your "little man" is absolutely adorable! What great pics :)