Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Just Jack

I had to get some pics of some layouts last night and Jack was watching the neighbor boy (one of his favorite people eva!!) across the street, so I was able to snap off a few pics of the hyper puppy before he ran off to play.

Our hyper puppy Jack decided to eat a copy of Dr. Seuss' "How the Grinch Stole Christmas" over the weekend. I have to say, he does have great taste in books... Dr. Seuss being my fave author and all, but it was a school library book. We tried Border's to replace it, and can you believe it's out of print?!?!?! So Mr. Jack's lunch (which he actually UNzipped Josh's backpack to get to while we were out) is $20 to replace a VERY well worn book.

That dog.

1 comment:

🌈🌈🌈 said...

He gets cuter every time i see him. And yes, he has great taste in books. Too bad they're so expensive to replace...snicker